1999-2001 Post-doctor fellowship with Dr. Warren K. Bickel studying the behavioral economics and behavioral pharmacology of drug addiction at the human behavioral pharmacology laboratory and substance abuse treatment center at the University of Vermont, Burlington.
2001-2005 Core Team member and Regional Research Faculty Representative for North Carolina Node of the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN).
2001-2005 Principal Investigator, counselor trainer, counselor supervisor, and adherence rater for NC Node of the Smoking Cessation protocol (NIDA-CTN-0009), a multi-site effectiveness trial.
2002-2006 Investigator at Dr. Francis J. Keefe’s Pain Treatment and Research Program at Duke University Medical Center.
2005-2006 Investigator, and study coordinator for the Durham Veterans Administration Medical Center, Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC) projects in the Interventions Core investigating post-deployment mental health. Dr. Christine E. Marx supervisor.
2005-2006 Recipient & Principal Investigator on NIH-funded R-21 grant entitled, “A behavior analysis of chronic low back pain (CLBP).” Utilizing electronic daily diaries to investigate the relationship among impulsivity, time-contingent coping, pain-contingent coping and disability in adults with CLBP.