In-Service Training

  1. Giordano, L.A. Behavior management strategies to address the special needs of adolescents with brain injury. In-service training seminar presented to Center for Comprehensive Services, Adolescent division staff, Carbondale, Illinois, September 1995, and March 1996.
  2. Giordano, L.A. Implementing behavior management strategies to address the special needs of adolescents with brain injury. In-service training seminar presented to Carbondale High-School faculty, Carbondale, Illinois, September 1995.
  3. Giordano, L.A. Conducting functional analyses with adolescents with brain injury. In-service training seminar presented to Center for Comprehensive Services, Adolescent division staff, Carbondale, Illinois, October 1995.
  4. Giordano, L.A. Implementing A token economy to increase positive behaviors among adolescents with brain injury. In-service training seminar presented to Center for Comprehensive Services, Adolescent division staff, Carbondale, Illinois, October 1995.
  5. Giordano, L.A. Teaching self-control strategies to manage stress for parents of adolescents with brain injury. In-service training seminar presented to Center for Comprehensive Services, Adolescent division staff, Carbondale, Illinois, December 1995.
  6. Giordano, L.A. Implementing a contingency management program to increase compliance with evening chores in adolescents with brain injury. In-service training seminar presented to Center for Comprehensive Services, Adolescent division staff, Carbondale, Illinois, February 1996.
  7. Giordano, L.A. Increasing positive interactions between staff and adolescents with brain injury. In-service training seminar presented to Center for Comprehensive Services, Adolescent division staff, Carbondale, Illinois, March 1996.
  8. Giordano, L.A. How to conduct delay discounting assessments. In-service training seminar presented to therapists and research assistants at the Substance Abuse Treatment Center, University of Vermont, Psychiatry Department, Burlington, Vermont, December 2000, and May 2001.
  9. Giordano, L.A. How to implement a prize-based contingency management intervention to promote abstinence. In-service training seminar presented to therapists at the Duke Addictions Program, Duke University, Department of Psychiatry and behavioral Sciences, Durham, North Carolina, September 2002, and November 2002.
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